• Question: How much money you earn?

    Asked by Watt? to Dawn, James, Sarah, Sylvain, Tomas, Vaanu on 8 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sylvain Jamais

      Sylvain Jamais answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      I am split on this one… I want to convey that there are well paid roles in engineering but I don’t want to spill out the actual number… let’s say that my family of 5 is doing pretty well on just my income, we’ve almost paid the house and we’ll be able to help our daughters through Uni if they wish to go.

    • Photo: Dawn Gillies

      Dawn Gillies answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      I’m still a PhD student so not terribly much but engineering is generally pretty well paid – and hopefully I will be when I graduate!

    • Photo: Vaanathi Sundaresan

      Vaanathi Sundaresan answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      At the moment I am being funded by college for my DPhil fees and maintenance. Enough to cover my house rent and other expenses.

    • Photo: Sarah Hampson

      Sarah Hampson answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      I earn a PhD wage like Dawn. I’m not rolling in riches, but it’s enough to pay for rent, clothes, going out etc. & for me to go on holiday abroad once a year.
