• Question: How did you make a 3D food printer? And how does it work?

    Asked by 339dagg27 to James on 11 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by OfficialDarcie, DarkAngel.
    • Photo: James Clarke

      James Clarke answered on 11 Nov 2016:

      The printer is very similar to a normal 3D printer, so it deposits the food layer by layer. However, instead of using reels of plastic, we instead built three pumps which you could put mushy food in. A tube from each pump was connected to the printer, so we could control which ingredient came out at which time.

      Try searching for ‘f3d 3d food printer’ and you should be able to see some more about it. I’ll try and add a picture to my profile too! Great question, and if you have any more then ask away!
