• Question: do you have any pets

    Asked by 528dagg23 to Dawn, James, Sarah, Sylvain, Tomas, Vaanu on 9 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by s.tabz_117, charlotte_913, THEBEAST.
    • Photo: Sarah Hampson

      Sarah Hampson answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      No – I’m not allowed to have pets in the house I rent 🙁

      At work we used to have sea monkeys but they all died eventually. But we take turns looking after my boss’s guinea pigs when he goes on holiday. They’re very cute 🙂

    • Photo: Dawn Gillies

      Dawn Gillies answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Not yet, but as soon as I have enough time I will be getting a puppy! I love dogs 🙂 (I’d also love a pygmy hedgehog, so cute!)

      I look after my friends husky and another friends cat quite a lot though. Huskys are a LOT of work!

    • Photo: Sylvain Jamais

      Sylvain Jamais answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      I don’t, I’d love to have a cat or two but my wife is allergic. My dad lives in the country side and has 6 semi wild cats and 2 horses, I mostly like the cats… I also grew up with dogs.

    • Photo: Vaanathi Sundaresan

      Vaanathi Sundaresan answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Nope, not yet
