• Question: What capabilities do you need to become an engineer?

    Asked by Charizard Engineers to Dawn, James, Sarah, Sylvain, Tomas on 16 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Dawn Gillies

      Dawn Gillies answered on 16 Nov 2016:

      I think the most important ones are curiosity and creativity. It is really helpful to work hard at maths too! You can learn everything else so if you like solving problems and making things then engineering could be the perfect job for you 🙂

    • Photo: Sylvain Jamais

      Sylvain Jamais answered on 16 Nov 2016:

      An inquisitive mind and you need to be goof at maths and science, there is no avoiding it…

    • Photo: James Clarke

      James Clarke answered on 16 Nov 2016:

      I agree with the above! You need to be curious about how things work and why they work the way they do.

      Working hard in maths and science is hugely hugely helpful, but if you absolutely hate those then there is still hope. Right now, there’s an increasing number of people who write code (software engineers), that have taught themselves the skills they need, and who aren’t always great at maths.

    • Photo: Sarah Hampson

      Sarah Hampson answered on 17 Nov 2016:

      Like the other guys have said, curiosity and an inquisitive mind, plus some maths and science skills thrown in. If you have these and would love to design things, then you’d be a fantastic engineer!
